Diet Culture, Purity Culture, Fundamentalism and Body Image...

Research on what they all have to do with each other and the impacts they have on us.

Thank you so much for your interest in this survey; I am truly honored that you would take valuable time out of your schedule to participate. Though I cannot yet give away specifics of the project I am working on, I can say the research I am doing is around the intersections of purity culture, diet culture, and fundamentalism. I feel that it is important to include as many voices, backgrounds, and experiences as I can.

Fair warning, this survey is extensive and may take up to an hour to complete. Please note that very few of the questions are required so if there are some that you cannot or do not feel comfortable answering, please feel free to skip them. At the end of the survey, you will have the opportunity to select if you would like to be considered to participate in further research. Further participation is entirely optional BUT, if you do choose to be taken into consider for further participation, you will need to include your name and email address. Please note that in this case, I will be able to see your survey answers and know they are yours (as opposed to anonymous). All information will be kept confidential.

If you would like to get updates about this project, please enter your name and email below and you will be sent update emails as the project progresses.